Local Taiji Classes

Our Association is committed to promoting Taiji which is offered at numerous venues in Thunder Bay.

Peng You International Tai Chi Academy:
Live indoor classes at the Academy are usually taught by Master Peng or sometimes by certified members of our Association.
For information click here:    https://www.pengyoutaichi.ca
or contact Master Peng by phone (807 628 4305) or email taichi@tbaytel.net.

The Taiji classes at the Academy embrace Chen Style (under Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei), Yang Style and Modern Style. Chen classes include 5, 18 & 74 (Old Frame 1) forms, Chen 47 Sword and Broadsword. Yang and Modern classes involve the 8, 16, 24 and 48 Forms, 32 & 42 Sword and Broadsword.  There are also classes in Taiji Fan. All classes include Six Forms Taiji Qigong.

 TAI CHI Classes with Oliver Reimer:

Zoom has been a boon to us during these months of social isolation. It is an awkward medium for doing Taiji together but it does have several advantages. We can learn to adapt our movements to the limited spaces of our homes and that is a very practical skill. The other advantage is that when no one is looking at us we can feel free to make mistakes. Making mistakes is the way the learning process works.
If you are interested to try some classes:
My website https://www.feldenkraisthunderbay.ca/classes/taiji/
has a contact page.

You can also reach me at oreimer@tbaytel.net or 807-345-6209.

Thunder Bay 55+ Centre:

A variety of Taiji classes are available, taught by several qualified instructors including:   Master Peng You; Oliver Reimer; and Sandy Mackenzie

For details see The Key or call 684-3066

Homes for the Aged:

A variety of Taiji classes may be available at:

Chartwell Select                    807-343-0373

Roseview Manor                   807-344-6929

Lakehead Manor                   807-623-9511

Jasper Place                            807-684-2996

Other NWO Region Taiji Classes:

Terrace Bay, Mike King Hall Seniors Centre – Wendy Morrisseau (807)823-0028
Tuesdays & Thursdays  10 – 11 am