Our name, Peng You Taiji Quan Association, involves a pun on our teacher's name. The first two words of our name are the chinese characters, "pengyou" which mean "friend". It sounds just like the first two syllables of our leader's name - Peng You. So the name both reflects our Association motto, "Health, Friendship and Happiness" and our founder's name.

Sign up to follow this website for regular Taiji news – bottom of Main Menu.

Find on this page:
1. Taiji News
2. Zoom options
3.  Our Youtube channel links…    (you can subscribe)         

4. Adding an icon for this website to your desktop

1.) Taiji News:

For 2025 Taiji classes information see  Local Taiji Classes  page in Main Menu…

Membership reminder:
Memberships are available for 2025… still only $10.

The instructions to get or renew a membership are here on the website…
Go to the Our Assoc – Join / About Us page.

2.) Check out this Zoom option…

        * Taiji classes with Oliver Reimer on Zoom continue
For details & to register go to the Local Taiji Classes page and scroll down…

3.) And check out our You Tube channel for…
1.  Master Peng’s Tai Chi Tidbits:
 2. Master Peng’s Follow Me series:
3. Master Peng’s Tai Chi Chef videos:
4. Miscellaneous Taiji videos:

Adding an icon for this website to your desktop or other device:

  1. For a computer with Windows
    Easiest method:
    To put an icon on your desktop you just need to highlight the Association website address ( http://www.pengyou-taiji.ca ) at the top of this browser window, hold down the left mouse button and drag the address onto your desktop. It will form an icon. Note:  If your browser window covers the whole screen go to the top right corner of the window where there are 3 symbols – a ‘-‘ sign, a square and an ‘x’.
    Click on the square and it will make the Association website page smaller so you can find a space around it on the desktop. You can drag this smaller Association page aside by clicking and holding along the top bar with the left mouse button.  Now you have room to place your icon. You can also click, hold and drag your new icon to your favourite location on your desktop!

 Alternative step-by-step method:
First open your browser (we are assuming they all work similarly: Google; Google Chrome; Firefox; MS Edge; etc) and find the Peng You Taiji website…
To Copy the website address:
Highlight it in the top bar… (click on it or click on one end and drag across until it becomes highlighted – it appears in blue).
After highlighting the address hold down Cntrl and hit C. (this copies it to your computer’s internal ‘clipboard’).
Move your mouse to your open desktop outside your browser window.
Right click in an empty space.
Go to New then Shortcut.
The ‘Create shortcut’ box appears.
Place your mouse in the box under the words “Type the location of the item:” .
Holding down Cntrl hit V. This pastes the previously saved address from the clipboard.
Hit Next and give it a name and then Finish.
The shortcut icon should now be on your desktop.

2. For a MacBook & any other Mac that uses the “desktop” version of a website vs. a mobile version, same instructions – click & drag URL from browser onto desktop of computer

3. Add this website to an iPad by tapping on the command “Add to Home Screen”.